Pure Michigan Weed


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Pure Michigan Weed Strain: A Local Favorite

Pure Michigan weed has recreationally beneficial, the Pure Michigan strain is used medicinally to treat insomnia, chronic pain, and anxiety…. Its calming effects are ideal for users who prefer a peaceful sleep in the evening.

Flavor and Aroma Profile

A distinctive characteristic of the Purp strain is its sweet, berry-like taste, which is often described as “crumper”. The smell is equally pleasant, with a combination of fruit and earthy notes that persist long after the smoke has faded.

Medicinal Benefits of Purp

Medical cannabis users frequently choose the Purp strain for its ability to alleviate chronic pain, stress levels, and insomnia. Its calming effects on the mind and body are evident in evening use, making it a popular choice.



3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g


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